Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sam Bradley at the Commodore Ballroom

If you have not been to the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver, you must. I have been before but it has been a while and I must say, I love it. It is the perfect venue for everything - truly!

I went downtown early to meet friends at a local pub for dinner and drinks. Good times, great laughs and then we went to the show.

Kuba Omsopened and is from Victoria BC. I was impressed with his sound, I really enjoyed what I caught of his set.

Sam Bradley was next. He played my fave songs including Too Far Gone, Whiskey, Sea Blue and Passport.

Justin Nozuka was on last and was really awesome. I have to admit I didn't pay attention to much of the first half of his set because I was chatting with all the girls and then Sam and the band.

It worked out well that a lot of people were there to see Justin and by the time we wandered over to the merchendise table to meet Sam there were hardly any people around so we got lot's of time to chat, take photos and enjoy each others company.

Sam said it was "beautiful" how all us fans were friends and snapping photos together and catching up.

I asked him what his plans were he said he had the next month off and he planned to travel to see friends and family and of course write - then it was time to record an album.


I have tons of videos and photos to upload but I have to find my camera cord (moved remember ha ha) so hopefully tomorrow I will do that before I head to the VanCityBlogHer Holiday Party.

Suffice it to say - great pix & vids coming soon and an amazing night with great friends and music!!!

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