Saturday, December 12, 2009

Taylor Lautner Interview from Shark Boy Days

This feels so wrong....

Long before 17-year-old teen idol Taylor Lautner dreamed of hosting “Saturday Night Live” on December 12th, or starring in Twilight movies, he was interviewed by examiner Jack Dennis in Austin, Texas.

Jack Dennis (JD): So what do you think of being at a carnival for a premiere?

Taylor Lautner (TL): Oh, it’s really fun. Everyone is having a good time and it’s so nice here. We are excited to be here meeting everyone. This was a good idea. It’s fun signing autographs and it’s nice to see the others. It is a fun experience.

JD: So who is asking for autographs more, the boys or the girls?

TL: (laughs) Mainly, uh, the boys. But, you know, I sign for the girls too. (Grins and laughs again). But it is kind of weird. I’m not use to it. It’s hard to believe they really want my autograph or picture, but it’s fun.

JD: I am about to go in and see the movie, but what can you tell me about your character before I go in there?
TL: Well he’s this superhero. And he is made up in the dreams of a boy name Max, played by Cayden (Boyd). He dreams up Shark Boy and Lava Girl. I am this very self-confident superhero, but sometimes I, or my character Shark Boy, gets way too confident and that gets everything into trouble. And Shark Boy is sort of jealous of Max and goes into these shark frenzies, and stuff and bites bars and can rip stuff up. It was a lot of fun.”

JD: How did you get the role of Shark Boy?
TL: Well I audition for a lot of things and always hear no, no, no so many times. But after I auditioned for this, I got a call-back to meet with Robert (Rodriguez) and his son, Racer (8 years-old at the time). You see, it was Racer’s idea that started the whole idea for the movie. I Robert held up some pictures of the kids who auditioned and had call-backs so he asked Racer which one he liked. They said they pointed to me and Robert told Racer that is what he was thinking too. When we found out I had the party the whole family just freaked. It was hard to sleep for a while. (Laughs)

JD: Do you have a favorite memory or favorite part in this movie?
TL: Wow. That is hard. There are so many. Well, I do extreme martial arts so I got to do a bunch of acrobatics, flips and stuff for the camera. I got to choreograph my own stunts and really enjoyed the flips. Had to climb up this big ice pillar and get the crystal heart, and we get to slide down in harnesses. But I also liked working on the wires were we jumped off cliffs or fell off of high spots and things. We would hang upside like bats and it was just a lot of fun. The hardest stunt was probably running to a volcano because I’m up there on wires and running on this treadmill going like 99 miles per hour. It wore me out and was very tiring because I had to do it for so long. Fun, but tiring, you know. But I am in good shape because, although I have not really had the time anymore for extreme martial art competitions, I still train at my house.

Well, we bet it's more the girls asking for autographs now!!


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