Monday, December 7, 2009

Taylor Lautner Look-Alike

When I first saw these photos I was in shock - WTF DID TAYLOR DO TO HIS HAIR????

Then I read... he's a look-alike... boy is he ever!!

TwiFans posted:

Catering manager James Klisser has been likened to Twilight actor Taylor Lautner, who plays werewolf Jacob Black in the films. The 22-year-old was “discovered” while catering for a women’s magazine event. “They were taking pictures of me (at the event),” Klisser told TV ONE’s Close Up. “And I got a call the next day saying ‘we’d like to do a story on you.’ I was shocked.” In the United States, celebrity impersonators are big business. There are conventions, awards and pay packets of thousands of dollars. Klisser says he has not really thought about milking the opportunity any further. “If people really think I look like him and would like to see more, then I’m definitely more than happy to please people,” he says. “The customer’s always right!” now do u think he looks like Taylor or not !!!

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