Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Twilight Black Christmas Tree

So apparently Twilight mania has swept tweens into a frenzy, and who are we to pass up a shameless opportunity to bring Christmas cheer to 12-year-old girls with a penchant for strange goth vampires with British accents and vacant eyes?! We set out to make this tree the Twilightiest of them all, considering all the elements that make the books and movies so captivating. Unfortunately, we got sidetracked thinking of Robert Pattinson’s dreadfully golden locks and were unable to incorporate superhuman strength and speed. But we did manage to make sure the Twilight Black Christmas tree looked just like a real tree, except for its dark and handsome color.

Rest assured (during the day, of course) that our Twilight Black Christmas Tree sparkles as well as any human-turned-dracula left out in the sun too long. And unlike certain very popular vampires, this tree doesn't have to live where it's cloudy all the time, but it has expressed a strong preference for the indoors. Though it won’t live forever, the Treetopia warranty will have you covered well after the hype over the movies has died down.

To learn more about the features of this tree, click HERE!

Mandy's Mind - I hope treetopia is prepared for the wrath of Summit... using the word Twilight, vampires, spider monkey, movies and Robert Pattinson... I've seen Summit flip their lid for FAR FAR less..... Just Saying.... LOL

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