Monday, December 14, 2009

Twilight from a Twi-Guy - Lov Triangle

RobstenLoversposted this:

What do I look like? The wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead. Take mine. Take everything I have.

I wanna talk about this relationship with Bella, Jacob and Edward. I thought it was just a juvenile love at first but I've come to realize how selfish Bella was. She had two great men. Not just a vampire and a wolf, but two great men. See, Jacob was there since they were kids and his love grew for her thoughout the years. Jacob honestly and whole heartedly loved Bella. He wanted her happy and alive and full of life. When I read about Jacob and Bella's relationship, I felt the warmth and the colors in the world. It even made me happy to see her not so worried, but living. Jake gave her his heart and soul. He was there for her in the most honest way I could ever imagine someone being there for someone. LOL Jake sounded just like me with this quote, "Here's to responsibility twice a week and recklessness everyday in between." Jake was so much more healthier for her. Jacob was a gift from the gods for her. That's something she never truly realized and it kinda hurt my heart.

It was Jacob himself. Jacob was a perpetually a happy person, and he carried that happiness with him like an aura, sharing it with whoever was near him. Like an earthbound sun, whenever someone was within his gravitaional pull, Jacob warmed them. It was natural. A part of who he was.

So what happened? How did the bloodsucker get back into the picture? Was it his whispers of eternal love and protection? I think not. She had that with Jake. Was it his big family and money and nice houses and all? I think not. Edward left her to hurt, to die alone. He left her in a zombie coma with no promise of return and she still wanted him. Why? You can't tell me for her safety. There's much more to it, I think, and it's not this love they talk about.

Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.

I'm not downing Edward or his love for her, or maybe I am. Is it me or was he selfish and was just in aww of the thought of feeling semi human again with these human feelings? I wanna know what you all really think. I don't wanna hear a shoutout for Team Jake or Team Edward. I wanna know what you really think. What if this was really happening in your life, minus the vamps and wolves, what would you do? How would you feel?

Alright ladies and gentlemen, Christmas is next week and New Years is the next, and I'm giving away three gifts between those dates. So make sure you follow @ROBkriSTENLOVRS, cause they RAWK and follow me @McFearless1. I would love to talk to all of you. We all need someone sometime. I love all you Twihards!

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