Saturday, December 5, 2009

VanCity BlogHer Holiday Party

So my friend is a blogger.

She pretty much spends most of her time doing that in leiu of a "real job"

I love it.

I remember in early 2009 when I asked her, how can I become a full time professional blogger. She told me a lot about blogging but one thing she said was that I needed a "niche" since not a lot of people read "diary or journal blogs" anymore unless they are unique....

at that time my blogs were journaly, gossipy, boring... then... Twilight came to town.

I went from my own friends and may 20 people I knew from a friend of a friend reading my blog, to thousands of people....

I didn't find my "niche" it found me.

Now - several months, two movies and several cast encounters later - here we are.

I am not in a situation to quit my "real job" to blog - the money I have made from blogging would not even cover the cost of vodka, hell of even coffee to keep me blogging as often as I do - - - BUT - - - It is an outlet, it is fun, it is interactive and I love it.

That being said..... my blogger friend is throwing a blog-her holiday party for charity and she invited me since I am in Vancouver, I am a woman and I am indeed a blogger.... so this upcoming Sunday I will be attending an appie & drink party to meet other female bloggers in Vancouver... exciting.

I love writing and I thank you all for reading... it is a fun outlet for me and I am so glad to have readers like you to keep me motivated :-)

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