Monday, December 7, 2009

Witness Protection - Don't mix vampires with apples

Oh Twitarded, How do I love thee, let me count the ways.... This post had me laughing hysterically... it is so true... Summit, since Twilight, has turned into a Tyranical bitch full of douchebaggery...

I have heard stories such as yours... we have fansites youtube being shut down, your logo being deemed copywritten .... I know of someone whose website featured "vampire themes" and had an apple - guess what, that "apple" was a copyright infringment according to Scummit...

that is until website's owner and lawyer said *ahem*

I don't think they expect us "crazy-twi-fans" (who promote their movies FOR FREE and who PAY FOR THEIR FANCY HOUSES AND CARS) to fight back but I am glad to hear of those who do!

I think Summit is trying to monopolize the market on vampires, apples, werewolves, forests, and anything else they think they can.... when in reality - I kinda think (if ANYONE) Stephenie owns that shit!?


Here is a bit from Twitarded's post:

Oh, Summit, how we love your tyrannical ways. We thought it was awesome how you took down our merchandise from Zazzle because it had OUR logo on it. You, dear Summit, are the Machiavelli of the movie industry. Out of 1 to 10 on the Douchebag-of-Epic-Proportions Scale (patent pending, bitches!), you rate in at 16. You must be so proud.

We actually didn't think you could break your record of extreme asshole-ry but it turns out we were wrong. Apparently some woman spent a few days in the slammer for filming a short clip of New Moon.

And this is how Jenny Jerkface thinks the convo will go regarding this & other issues:

Minion at Scummit - Sir, there's been a report that a woman who was taping her sister's surprise party also capture some images of the film New Moon...

Some VIP douche at Scummit - Let's waterboard the bitch before we execute her. [Rubs hands together in a way that only evil villains can do] By the way, have we threatened to sue any bloggers for making up their own logos that have nothing to do with us today?

Minion - uhh, um, no, sir.

VIP - What am I paying you for?! We own EVERYTHING, remember? Go ruin someone's day before I have YOU arrested for copyright infringement!!!

Oh boy!

It is true, I think they have people hired whose SOLE PURPOSE is to browse websites [hello Summit Minion reading this] and report any "concerning" issues, such as apples mixed with vampires or the prefix "twi" mixed with forests or fangs and wolf prints and so on....

What a "fun" job that would be.... *insert sarcastic tone here*

Anyways, Twitarded (as always) made me laugh... now I am going to go into the witness protection program because I know bad mouthing Summit is probably the worst thing in life to do if I ever want to be allowed within 100 feet of a live set again....

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