Monday, January 18, 2010

Cool People at TwiConSeattle

One of the most amazing things about the Twilight Community is the number of friendships I've developed.

Through local filming, "vampire hunting", blogging, musical events and emails I have had the awesome opportunity to meet some fantastic people.

This past weekend at the Creation Twilight Tour Convention in Seattle was no exception.

I saw many familiar faces from people who had visited Vancouver in the past year. I met many new people and got to finally put faces (in person) to twitter names.

It was awesome and I just wanted to tell you about a few people I met/saw.

  • Candace Charee' was performing Friday Night, we were her back up dancers and had the chance to hang out with her Friday and Saturday. A total sweetheart with an amazing voice, all her music is inspired by Twilight and she is currently writing a song in hopes to submit it for the Eclipse soundtrack.

  • Joann offered to help Candace out also and became the official photographer within our group taking such breathtaking photos of everyone and the city of Seattle also. She made all of us look fabulous on film and sent us the most amazing pictures. Such a sweetheart, with great photographic talent.

  • Nina & friends. Silvana and her friends were so passionate, excited and happy. It was so great to finally meet her and to spend time with her over the weekend.

  • Lauren from Facebook's official Twilight Page. Again, just amazing to meet people who you know of and/or chat with online.

  • Pel from Twilight Lexicon. I hadn't seen her since her last trip to Vancouver during New Moon but we have kept in touch. It was quite funny to hear her mention my text to her while doing one of her panel discussions.

  • Chaske Spencer & Peter Facinelli, what an opportunity we had to actually spend some time chatting with two of the cast from Twilight. Also seeing Charlie & Daniel was awesome!

  • Susan, again, wonderful to see her once more, she is a great woman who I've had the pleasure of getting to know over the past few months.

  • OF COURSE Jess & Christy who came down with me and experienced the whole amazing weekend with me.

  • The Hillywood - so talented and funny.

  • The Ladies from "Dazzled by Twilight" in Forks. So sweet and thoughtful.

  • Marne, a fellow Vancouverite, it was awesome to see her down there, I actually had no clue she was going!

  • Yvette, so great to see again, we used to see each other weekly at least but it had been a while - and we both had gone to darker hair ha.

  • So Many New faces. It was incredible to meet people who read my blog or knew who I was from other's blogs mentioning my excursions. I am always so flattered to meet people who admire my writing.

    I am sure there are many many more, and I don't want to forget anyone.... so THANK-YOU to everyone I met at the Creation Twilight Tour Convention and I hope to see you all at the Vancouver one in May...If you aren't sure about going Check this info out
  • 1 comment:

    1. That is very cool! I met some of the people in your pictures at the ball in Seattle! You are so right. There are so many really nice people at the conventions. The Twilight Cruise sounds like it will be a blast!
