Sunday, January 31, 2010

Grammy's Red Carpet Fashion

I do not know much about fashion, I offer only my own personal opinion on what I like and don't.

I am certain many top fashion magazines will go crazy for some of these styles that I dis.... so be it...

I am no expert, have you seen the stuff I wear out of the house? ok then....

Taylor Swift - I like the colour but she is so thin and tall the style I don't like on her as much as other "princess" floofy gowns I've seen her in. I know lot's of people will call her glamourous, but she looks even more lanky in this dress, as beautiful as it is.

Rihanna - I likey, the feathers, fluffy chest match her hawk hair... very birdesque. Only Rihanna can pull this kinda thing off... and maybe Pink.

Miley Cyrus - Hookerish... reminds me of Pretty Woman. Ew! Go Home!

Pink - to me always looks hot, total girl crush, i love the shades, the style, it's glam-rock with far more glam than rock but enough pazazz to keep with Pink's style.

Jonas - One of these things doesn't belong.... *sigh* I still think the oldest one got married to hide from the media his boyfriend.

Katy Perry - this was boring for me. Apparently the back was stunning but the front is... well, the neckline is too high for starters, and I just expect for risk from her - maybe being engaged has tamed her... thoough it's Russell Brand, which for the record, should have buttoned a few more of his shirt buttons up ...

Adam Lambert - I like his style usually, only downside for this is that "is it wet or shiny" question... same as Taylor Lautner at the awards last week.... it's to sequiney... even for Glambert.

Carrie Underwood - the top is sweet, pretty, then from the waist down it's like a moomoo my gramma wears to bed.

Ke$ha - I don't care who didn't pay her for what song she needs an "S" not a "$". This dress is horrific, The "V" cuts in her mid section make her look fat, the hem is way to high and then the fringe to make her dress LOOK longer just draws attention to her knobby knees and over defined legs.... the shoes don't match at all in style or colour - though they do match her caked on eye make-up. She looks like Britney right before she went crackacrazy.... speaking of which....

Britney Spears looks like she stole from Lady Gaga's closet.... it's too tight, small, not flattering, she needs to reinvent herself big time.

Snooki - oh snooki, I have a small place in my heart for this girl, the rest of Jersey Shore deserves a garbage carpet as opposed to a red carpet, but snooki, well, she can just fist pump her way anywhere....

Nicole Kidman - why does she look more evil with every face lift? It's like she's been frozen in one expression and any other expression may crack or peel her perserved skin.

Many faces of Gaga

Lady Gaga on red carpet - I love this personally. It reminds me of The Good witchof the North, Glenda in Wizard of Oz and "Wicked". The yellow on hair I am not a fan of but the cut and style is unique and even *gasp* pretty. The shoes look incredibly uncomfortable.

Performing with Elton John was amazing. When she opened the show I thought she looked like an Angry Tinkerbell, but I liked it. Not nearly as strange outfits this time, or maybe we are becoming desenstized to her?

**More Coming Soon**


  1. Ke$ha was frightening. as was Brittney. don't these people have people to dress them? lol! agree about Nicole Kidman too, she looks evil. in fact, i agree on all you said lol

  2. Did you know Lady Gaga's hair is actually a hood attached to her dress?!

  3. Kesha (I wont use the dollar sign for a human being) is only 22, and already looks like Courtney is sure to follow.

    I don't know what got into Britney- that 'skirt' would have looked bad even on the beach.
    And Nicole's dress looked downright matronly.

    Lady Gaga's first outfit was far better than usual. But the leotard she wore on stage was just painful to look at. The ultra high-cut legs and tiny crotch were scary. The performance was great though, and I loved her duet with Elton John!
