Sunday, January 24, 2010

Her awkwardness is endearing

She is so uncomfy in interviews, my opinion is that she is best interviewed over a longer period of time, not just a few seconds, and scribed then written.... that way she has time to think about her answers, she is so heart felt that I think she wants to express her self passionately and truthfully and sometimes can't because of the time and pressures of a camera in her face and a million other people waiting to talk to her...

I actually had a dream last night i was at Sundance and went with her to the premier after chatting over dinner... I know, it's odd, but I just feel like she (in reality as much as in my dream) is so deep and committed to her craft and too often misjudged and easily labelled because of that....

I've had my fair share of dislike for certain things she has said, or done, but at the end of the day she is 19 years old and in a world none of us could even imagine - - - and she handles herself better than anyone else if in her shoes.

@Larry411 said it well:
Between Welcome to the Rileys & The Runaways Kristen has expanded her appeal beyond her fan community, on the way to Hollywood A-list.


  1. she's still awkward but so much better than when Twilight first came out.

  2. In attempting NOT to let fame turn her into a Hollywood clone, she works very hard to dress down, not look too good, not show off, etc.

    She needs to find her own style, and a simpler way to communicate - most interviewers are not after depth; she can save that for the best interviews.

    With as much practice as she has with interviews, she could be smoother than this. Even Rob P has become markedly less nervous.
