Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jersey Shore "Punch"

I haven't watched this show yet, I did PVR it last night to just to see WTF the buzz was about - I recall hearing about a girl getting punched, this is the scene which was pulled by MTV (rightfully so IMO)

This looks horrible! I love reality tv but this is not looking promising to me.... I will still check it out just to see the show, but i am already thinking it's stupid... also, I saw this Snooki girl do an interview and she seems simply stupid...

Anyone watched?

Anyone like?

[Thx @Robbedmyheart for sending me link]


  1. I did watch a couple of these shows, one being this "snooki" & I for one do NOT care for this show. The after show interviews last night IMO none of them can give an interview, and I truely dont' understand why are they even on tv? What the purpose of the show? Its not a contest,they don't win anything do they? R they there just to make fools of themselves?
