Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jersey Shore

I had heard so much about this show so I checked it out and secretly, I got hooked. I hated everything about it, the fake tans, the strange lingo, the slutty ways.... but I couldn't stop watching....

I can't imagine a daily schedule that included "GTL Baby" - Gym, Tan, Laundry, nor would I be able to pull off the house bump, grind, bounce, shake and of course "fist pump" - in fact, me and the beat often fight... but I always lose.

I have no nicknames as quirky and fun as "Snooki" or "The Situation" and I use minimal hair products, but somehow I still enjoyed this reality show, secretly.

I've found friends who are closeted fans also and we are starting a support group....

actually, we are planning a Jersey Shore Theme Party... with house music, fist pumping, bump hair, fake tans (ok I am going to lather myself in bronzer) and whorey outfits.... There may some smooshing after too much Ron-Ron-Juice but it's all good, we can be as trashy as we want, afterall, that is the point of this show no?

Many Italian-Americans are ashamed and even outrages by the portrayal of their culture on this show, but as Pauly D said last night on the finale, he isn't trying to represent any culture or group of people, only himself... and represent himself he does well accurately.

I can't believe Pauly D is 29 years old... and "The Situation" is 27... I mean Vinnie is only 21 and the most mature of them all.

I was glad Angeline left, I didn't like her at all.

Snooki really grew on me, after being punched in the face by a man and all hre failed attempts to hook-up, I jsut started to feel for the girl.

The drama was never-ending all season and with talks of a season 2 I think I would actually want the same housemates again...

Anyone else a closet Jersey Shore watcher?

What were your overall thoughts on the show?

I want to go to the Jersey Shore... ha ha...

I found this photo and it just doesn't seem right too me, too classy for the trashy non?


  1. I loved the show!! I got so hooked to it. I never understood the hype and then I just turned it on one day and was hooked!

  2. My teen daughter watched the show, and I started watching to supervise her and point out their idiocy. I kept watching because it was like a train wreck - I couldn't look away! It was addictive & funny but also pathetic, and I think it appealed to my bad habit of being judgmental, lol.
