Wednesday, January 27, 2010

KStew's Fam and the hug on the runway

TwiFans posted these photos along with this:
With the candid pictures of Kristen landing in LA hugging a man everyone started to ask who the guy was. A lot of people said he wasn't her brother and that he was a friend. Other said that the man couldn't be Dana, her adopted older brother, because Dana was still in highschool.

Here we go, I do not know if the person who posted this is accurate or not... but here is her education to us.

Momma Stew:

Poppa Stew:

Bro Stew [Cameron, Older Brother, There are also pics of him with KStew on a boat when she had her pot leaf bikini on]

Bro Stew [Taylor, older, adopted brother]

Bro Stew [Dana, older adopted brother]

Cousin Stew [Miles, though it seems she likely has more cousins than just this one non?]

If I had to choose I'd say Dana.... similar features, the photos here was years ago and I think if he put on a few pounds this could be him non? If not... who? I wonder....

More pics of Kristen hugging mystery man here

For the record, I don't care that she hugged a guy, I'm not tryin to "disprove" Robsten... I am simply curious....

My comment on TwiFans
I don't think people (well I know I wasn't) were assuming because she hugged this guy it meant she didn't love Rob or was banging with dude.... I think (if there are others like me, if not then this is just my opinion for myself) people wondered who he was because he was someone she is close to that no one has seen.... I thought a cousin or brother... maybe a good friend or one of the girls boyfriends - who knows.... yes airport hugging is common... no it doesn't mean they're banging, though when Rob and Kristen hugged, held hands, etc the world assumed they were banging... ha ha...

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