Monday, January 25, 2010

Naked Alex Skarsgård coming to True Blood - Rawr

x17 reports that we will have many nude scenes of Alex Skarsgård in the next season of True Blood. RAWR!
Todd Lowe, who plays Terry Bellefleur said, "A lot of people will be getting naked this season," and Carrie Preston (aka spunky redhead Arlene Fowler) revealed that Alex is the one with the most nude scenes! "Alex is not shy about getting naked at all! And there will be lots of those kinds of scenes with Alex this season," she said. Lowe added, "He's already been naked a time or two so far since we've gotten back to filming."

Nelsan Ellis, who plays the fabulous Lafayette said, "There are a lot of hunky dudes and beautiful women who have been added to the cast, so it doesn't surprise me that more clothes are coming off."

I have to get these books to read, thoughmy reading list is huge and I've fallen way behind.... plus I already know everything from the books - spoilers galore... even still, I wanna read... they are apparently VERY sexy and I hope the show keeps similar plots... at least certain showre hook-up's ha ha ha ;)

I know that so far it's been quite different from the books - - - but I like the show anyways....

Anyhow - Nekki Alex Skarsgård = HAPPY MANDY.... um, have you seen my twitter background?



  1. love the Sookie series. i just picked up books 6-8 at the library. TrueBlood varies from the books which is great but they still stick fairly close to the main story.

    can't wait for nekkid Alex ;)

  2. I am allll caught up on the series :-) I was a little disappointed as I thought that the book that just came out last year was the last one...I paid TOO much for that hardcover ;-)
    ( I would just waited if I knoew it wasn't the last! lol )
