Thursday, January 14, 2010

The North Shore Outlook Features "Vampire Hunters" in Vancouver

The North Shore Outlook featured a nice story on Jen Griffin, from Vegas, and her journey to Vancouver during New Moon filming.

I was interviewed for the story also, since Jen and I met during her stay here and [in case you didn't know] I had been a tad involved in the "vampire hunting" that happened during New Moon filming in Vancouver.

Like Griffin (who in this tale is using her maiden name), Mandy is somewhat of a closet fan. She was thrust into the role of vampire hunter a month earlier, when a casual mention of scenes being filmed at Jacob’s house in Port Coquitlam changed her life.
Her blog Mandy’s Mind, once only viewed by friends, became a go-to site for Twi-hards. Masses from around the world sought information regarding the “wheres” and “whats” of New Moon. Overnight Mandy was dubbed Vancouver’s New Moon’s guru.

“There were so many people checking my blog that I had to switch my 
(personal) blog,” she said.

Like Griffin, Mandy has a high-level career, and Twilight doesn’t fit into it. There’s a misperception that Twilight fans are bubble-gum chewing, Hannah Montana devotees seeking something a little bit naughty.

“You don’t want people to group you into that category,” Mandy said.
In reality, the majority of hardcore vampire hunters are in their mid-20s to mid-30s, she said. However, she’s not about to bring a Twilight plastered suitcase to work anytime soon.

But tonight, she was happy to fulfill her new role and quench the following’s cravings. Tonight, the last night of filming at the Cullen house set, was the night.

“We were ready for the long haul,” Mandy said.

It was reliving that night at the Cullen House when we met the Twilight cast.... I havethe video on my YouTube Page

Read the whole artcile at The North Shore Outlook

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