Saturday, January 30, 2010

Official Twilight Convention in Nashville

After attending the Seattle Convention, I can tell you how exciting the weekend can be.

Twilight Lexicon is there and has been tweeting all about the weekend.

It has been snowing... in NASHVILLE!!! But, spirits are high and those attending have reportedly had a fantasic weekend.

Despite the snow the convention started on time. Hillywood hosted the event as always and the following is a sumary based on the tweets of Twiligt Lexicon. **I am not there, this is all viaTwilight Lexicon Twitter

Gil Birmingham
-He thinks getting spinners on his wheelchair is a great idea!
-Taylor's great at catching grapes in his mouth.
-During Eclipse Bon Fire it rained so they had a tarp over them.
Mandy's Mind - I recall that evening, I didn't go to the set because of the rain but a lot of fans were there and the wolf pack all came out (multiple times) to do photos and autographs with fans!
-He's met tons of cool fans
-He reads the books as they film them, Twilight was his fave because of it's innocence.
-Music is a lot more personal than film making for Gil.
-He compared the pack of wolves to puppies.
-Says casting was amazingly done, great chemistry.
-Everyone needs to google Gil in a Diana Ross video apparently it took Alex Meraz 2 hrs to find it.
-He did a film with Joe Pesci about the 1st brothel owners, also an animated film with Johnny Depp.
- His main charity is Project Lighthouse for clothes and other help for ppl on the rez
-Fans are his fave part of the franchise.
-He is Team Alice
-Says Kristenhas the hardest job but no one handles the wheel chair like he does.
-Who would win in a fight - Jacob or Jasper? Then Drew (Hillywood Jasper) and Gil nearly fought it out!

Peter Facinelli

-Peter had fun at the airport he bought boots and a birdhouse.
-Peter didn't really study "vampires" but the human qualities a vampire can expand on.
-Peter wants to change his name to a good southern name. Billy Bob Hill. That's a good name! He loves women from the south (his wife is from the south)
-His hair turned red the first time he dyed it blonde. It took 2 days to get it right.
-They call taking their make up off the "de-cullenization" process.
-In New Moon when Jackson goes for Bella, Peter knocked J's wig off.
-Peter posed as a Cullen prepared for fighting... grrr... read to attack the nomads.
-His kids came on set for Eclipse when they were doing stunt prep work.
Mandy's Mind - He spoke about this in Seattle also, how his daughter did fake fighting with stunt guys and "threw" them across the room.
-The stitching scene was the most difficult scene to prep for.
Mandy's Mind - In Seattle he discussed his chicken breast sewing to practice.
-His favorite line didn't get into New Moon. He hopes it will be on the DVD.
Mandy's Mind - ooh ooh wonder what line it was?
-Says he takes his scarf off in Eclipse when Carlisle meets the wolves... And then no more scarf!
Mandy's Mind - R.I.P. Scarf
-He would choose Vampire over Wolf because they smell sweet.
Mandy's Mind - He also likes the eternal life as he has said in previous interviews and in Seattle.

-Gil took the stage to perform
Mandy's Mind - I really want to hear him live one day.
-Lot's of late planes due to snow.
-TwiMom's did a panel
-Twilight Trivia has a question that stumped everyone: Rose's friend Vera's son was just starting to do something when Rose was killed. What was he doing? Answer-Sitting Up
Mandy's Mind - I would have said crawling and been wrong too!

Gil Birmingham
-Gil does a mini-concert and more Q&A to fill time as other castmates are running late due to snow.
-Gil was in Into the West, Dreamkeeper, Buffy, Veronica Mars.
Mandy's Mind - Time to find those episodes ha ha
-Gil says that most of your time on set is spent waiting.
-Gil is the son of a Military dad and moved around a lot. Was a bit of a rebel in his youth, he wanted to be a rock star when he was little
-Thinks Native Americans are well portrayed in the Twilight Saga and says he went to his auditions wearing the hat and fleece (used in the film)and Catherin Hardwicke said "that is Billy! You're Billy Black!"
-Gil is Comanche, Italian, and English.
-He says there is a scene in Eclipse where he shakes Carlisle's hand
Mandy's Mind - This is obviously after Dr Cullen mends Jacob
-He says he didn't have time to jam on set but would love to have a jam session with 100 Monkey's

Then they did the auction, an autographed banner went for $2500. One of Seattle's went for more...

Bronson Pelletier
-Bronson arrived and commented on how it felt like BINGO with seat #s being called
-Bronson plays a ganster in the series Shattered.
-If Bronson had to be a non-wolf he would be Aro.
-If Bronson could be an HP character hed like to be Mad Eye Moody!!
-Bronson isn't musical but he plays a mean set of spoons!!
-He met the ladies who run his facebook fansite.
-He idolizes Meryl Streep and plays video games in his free time.
-He went into the audience for more Q&A
-He was embarassed when someone asked about his sexy eyes.
-Kiowa "busted in" and the crowd gave Bronson a standing ovation.

Kiowa Gordon
-Says his mom influenced him the most in acting because she has always believed in him. Awwww
-If you don't know by now, Kiowa would like to be Jasper if he couldn't be a wolf.
-Kiowa is a bit sick but did his wolf howl anyways.
-Fave colour is green
-Kiowa will be back in Nashville in May to film "Into the Darkness"
-Fave Eclipse Scene was the graduation party because they walked around like thwy could kill everyone in the room. Eclipse was his fave book.
-Says that Native American youth need to learn their heritage since so much is dying out.
-Likes pineapple on pizza
-Would love Chris Weitz to direct Breaking Dawn if it gets optioned.
-During Eclipse, when Jacob and Bella show up together, the pack is eating chicken, he says they got sick from eating so much chicken during filming.
-Took more Q&A from the audience.

And now, Saturday Night, is the Volturi Vampire Ball. Alphie, who is at the convention, has twitpict some of the centrepieces for the contest, and is keeping the twitterverse up-to-date on happenings.

Follow Twilight Lexicon (as if any twifan isn't already?) for updates tomorrow the final day of the Nashville Convention.


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