Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oh Ashley Greene...

I don't mean to sound, mean... but Ashley Greene is in the paparzzi scope 24-7 and it seems she isn't really doing much... I mean, everyone else is working on other films, or projects or travelling and Ashley - well she did the SoBe ad... and... she talks on her phone... and walks her dog... and shops... and visits friends.... pumps gas... goes to the gym... I dunno...

Ashley Greene carries her pooch into a studio in Burbank, Calif. on Jan. 12.

I adore AShley Greene, but I feel like she should be picke dup for more projects and kept busy - - - - maybe it's her choice to take some downtime... I dunno....


[photo source]

1 comment:

  1. Isn't she doing a movie about the supernatural soon? I don't know when she starts.

    Maybe she is not as ambitious as some of the others, but she sure goes to cool events and parties!
