Monday, January 11, 2010

Remember Me #1 Campaign worth it?

Apparently this is the new mission for Robert Pattinson fans via Remember Me Fan Campaign Website...

As some of you know from reading on the RM IMDb board, we have been planning a campaign to try and help Remember Me open at #1. This is a completely fan-driven event and the only way the word will get out and things will happen is if you guys who want Rob to succeed in his first movie outside of Twilight can help.

*Note -- We will be adding campaigns for the other actors including Emilie, Chris, Pierce and Tate ASAP.

The first part of the campaign is in support of Rob and getting his fans to bring family and friends and see Remember Me on March 13, 2010 as a National Fan Support Event. Yes, I'm sure as a Rob fan you'll be seeing it on Friday. You won't be able to help yourselves! But that doesn't mean you can't take another friend, a brother, a parent, your husband, your sister, etc. and drag them out to the theater on Saturday to help pull this fan event off. I'm sure another two hours of Rob won't be harmful to your health.

So, how can YOU help?

Tell your friends, contacts, anyone you know who would be a candidate to see Remember Me opening weekend. Let us know if you have any ideas for promotion. Be a proactive fan and be heard!!

Support Rob --

Remember Me Saturday, 3/13/10

A National Fan Support Event -- Bring your friends and family to support Robert by seeing Remember Me on Saturday, March 13, 2010. Let's get Remember Me to open at #1!!

Mandy's Mind - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is a great idea, in theory, but I honestyl do not think a campaign is needed. Twilight fans and Rob fans will be going to see this opening weekend for sure.

Will it be #1?


But Probably not.

I am not a movie expert, but here are my thoughts on what will happen in March.

March 5 - Alice in Wonderland comes out and is #1... and stays at #1 for several weeks.

March 12 - Remember Me easily beats other opening movies like Green Zone and She's Out of my League, but stays at #2 next to Alice in Wonderland. [Really - I know it's Rob but Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, Classic Story, I predict #1 for the whole month at least!]

March 19 - Twifans all rush to see The Runaways and maybe even a "Robsten" double-header with Remember Me and The Runaways. Actually, that's not a bad idea - sometimes I impress even myself ;) ha ha!

End of March - Clash of the Titans makes the biggest threat to push Alice in Wonderland out of first and maybe it does, but more likely it replaces Remember Me and/or The Runaways for second.

So a Remember Me Campaign is great, but I still think my predictions are how it will go down... though I may *gasp* underestimate the power of Pattinson Power.


**Again, no expert, just making my own opinions into predictions... we shall see in March eh?


  1. I can't wait for Alice and Wonderland, but I'll see that opening weekend, and probably not again. I will DEFINITELY see Remember Me on Friday!!
    Plan to see The Runaways, but it doesn't have to be the first weekend, or even first week. For some strange (OK, obsessive) reason, Rob has much more appeal for me than Kristen, even as the awesome Joan Jett.

  2. i was surprised at the campaign too. can't wait for the Runways; such great movies this year!

  3. Twilight fans and Rob fans are not the only people needed to make Remember Me a success. This film and the story itself appeals to a very wide audience but that audience doesn't know it exists at the moment. Will Rob fans go? Of course. Will Twi fans go? Probably a good-sized portion will be in attendance but certainly not all. Not all Twi fans are Rob fans and that's something important to consider. It may seem like a no-brainer that everyone and their mother associated with Twiligt will show up but the truth is, that's just not going to happen.

    As for how it opens, I don't think we expect it to open at #1, either. But it would seem kind of strange to campaign for a movie to open at #2 or #3. "

    "Hey, I've got a great idea. Let's be second best!"

    Do we want it to open at #1?? Certainly. Do we think it can? Possibly. But why not do everything in our power to make sure it gets as big of an opening weekend as possible even if that means it's #2 or even #3? This is Rob's first movie outside of Twilight and as such, it's the most important thing happening for him right now. Hollywood will take furious notes on what occurs the weekend of March 12-14. Box office and attendance is vital and as Rob fans, why not be proactive and do something to make Hollywood realize Rob is more than Twilight?

    Is the campaign necessary? No. Is it important? Yes, we think it is.

    Best regards,
    RM Saturday

  4. Well, we *could* try for number 2, but what's the sense in that? Like saying, "We want to be second best!" I could live with it making number 2, if number 1 is Alice. Still no harm in trying!
