Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Seattle Twilight Convention this weekend then 100 Monkeys in Vancouver

Who is going?

I am coming down to Seattle Friday with two friends. The schedule was adjusted because of Peter Facinelli's schedule, so things are starting (and going) later.

I hope to go to Convention Friday afternoon till late evening. There is a concert I will be a part of at 11pm so be sure to check out Candace Cheree'.

On Saturday we are going as early as we can peel ourelves out of bed. We will stay until about dinner time  [sadly, we are not attending the Vampire Ball] but heading to a friend's house for some drinks and fun.

Sunday we leave early so we can be back in time for 100 Monkeys Vancouver that evening.

It's going to be an awesome weekend. Here are some highlights I am looking forward to:


5:15 pm The Hillywood Show

5:40 pm Exlusive Interview footage with Rob, Kristen, Taylor, Dakota, Michael Sheen, the entire Wolf Pack, The Cullens, and more!

6:10 pm The Official Twilight Convention Yes/No Trivia Competition

6:45 pm Music Video Parody

6:50 pm Twilight Media Madness Run Amock - Twilight Lexicon talks about debunking rumors in the Twilight World.

7:30 pm PETER FACINELLI (Dr. Cullen)

Then at 11pm DO NOT MISS the concert. I will be a part of the show and would LOVE you to all come say hi after the show. Candace Charee' is amazing!


If I am up and at it early enough - 8:45 am PETER FACINELLI (Dr. Cullen) again but it's unlikely.

10:00 am TWILIGHT LEXICON PANEL: Tales From the Red Carpet.

10:40 am TWILIGHT TRIVIA COMPETITION: win cash and prizes by knowing it all when it comes to Twilight!

11:10 am CHARLIE BEWLEY (The Volturi Tracker Demetri) and DANIEL CUDMORE (The Volturi’s Felix)

1:20 pm LANA VEENKER on Auditioning for the “Twilight” Saga: Fact versus Fiction

3:25 pm “The Wolf Pack’s CHASKE SPENCER (Sam Uley)

Then, grab a bite to eat and celebrate Girl's Night with my Seattle friends... none of which are Twilight fans ha ha - otherwise I'd stay later and have them all with me ha!

Sunday we will be up early and head home to Vancouver for dinner & drinks with friends before the 100 Monkey's concert in Vancouver.

Will be a very busy weekend - I wasn't even going to go to TwiCon but I wanted to check a few things out so I could decide how involved I want to be when it comes to Vancouver.

Day Passes are still available at the door all weekend.


  1. if i had known Peter was going to be there, i would so be going this weekend! have a great time Mandy!

  2. Looks like fun! I love your blog BTW. I have been following you for a while now, but you weren't on my blogroll so I've been missing updates, but I've got that fixed now on my blog so I won't miss anymore twi-bits, lol. I'm so jealous about 100 monkeys. I haven't seen them yet, but I want to very badly. Have a good time!

  3. Hi~I enjoy your blog...I will be at the convention too! I am looking forward to meeting Peter and have a lot of fun with the fandom. 100 Monkeys is playing in Seattle on Monday Night I am looking forward to that too. :)
