Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Tale of Two Taylor's - Who is avoiding who?

Personally, I think this is just media frenzy for a story - They were hanging out a lot and now they aren't - they are both busy - who knows the story... I adore them both as a couple or individually.... But here's the story:

Twilight’s Taylor Lautner avoids Taylor Swift or vice versa. According to Hollyscoop and their sources, the recently split Taylors, Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift are avoiding each other now. They say that when the two appeared at the People’s Choice Awards earlier in the week, they steered clear of each other.

They say E! online reported that they sat in very close proximity to each other, but never got up to even say hello to each other. When Taylor Swift got up and gave Taylor Lautner a standing ovation after he won the award for “Favorite Breakout Actor,” it was all for show since she knew the camera would pan over her to see her reaction, they claim.

They say later on in the night, Taylor Swift entered the show,and the crowd went wild, but Taylor Lautner never even looked up. Taylor Lautner also left the show shortly after he won his award,and Swift stayed until she won her award for “ Favorite Female Artist” towards the end of the show. Insiders report there’s no bad blood between the two, but it definitely appears that they are indeed avoiding each other. Taylor Lautner plays Jacob Black in the very popular Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse movies, and Taylor Swift is a mega Country music star.


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