Saturday, January 9, 2010

Taylor Lautner highest paid teen star?

 ***"UPDATE! Deadline Hollywood seems to have gotten the story wrong on this one. We've been sent new information by a rep for David Ellison at Skydance productions. They say Tom Cruise is not going to be in this film and that there's no billionaire father involved in the storyline."
[Thanks Pam]

Original Post January 6, 2010:
It is being reported that Taylor Lautner snagged an amazing 7.5 million to star in Northern Lights opposite Tom Cruise. Nikki Finki has deduced that with this sum of money Lautner has sky rocketed to being the highest paid teenaged actor in Hollywood over Zac Efron and Miley Cyrus. Fans of Twilight might think he’s worth the price tag, but as Cinema Blend points out, Lautner hasn’t carried a film on his own yet which makes the paycheck that much more impressive.

“Given that Lautner hasn’t carried a single movie without the word Twilight in the title, that’s a pretty significant gamble. Robert Pattinson’s projects beyond Twilight haven’t really gone anywhere, though granted, he hasn’t been groomed as a new star by a studio in the same way. But can the Twilight effect carry on without Bella lurking somewhere in the frame?”

[Twilight Lexicon]

1 comment:

  1. Twilight Lexicon's source,, has added the following to it's article:

    "UPDATE! Deadline Hollywood seems to have gotten the story wrong on this one. We've been sent new information by a rep for David Ellison at Skydance productions. They say Tom Cruise is not going to be in this film and that there's no billionaire father involved in the storyline."
