Tuesday, January 5, 2010

(NO SPOILER POST) Twilight Saga Eclipse Script Leaked

Twitter was a buzz with rumour of a Eclispe Script Leak.

I was away from my computer but my phone blew up with texts, emails and tweets about it.

Sure enough I got home and found the first page of said Script.

It was tagged with "Jackson Rathbone" which led people to assume he leaked it.


Who thinks he is that dumb?

It seems to me that either someone added the "Jackson Rathbone" tag or the script was his copy and was taken or found and leaked.

Jackson wouldn't willingly release the script - hello - can you say stupid! And he isn't!

Anyways, judging by the first page, which is all I have read, the script is legit.

I don't know which version it is, and I am certain there will be edits and adjsutments before the final product comes out in June, but the opening scene is the same as what I learned to be the opening scene while they were filming and it is very different from the book so it seems to me that the script (or at least the first page) is real.

I don't want to spoil, however, if you want to know what opening scene I am talking about you may *SPOILER* click here to read my set report from that week of filming. *Please note Wednesday & Thursday Overnight Details in that post.

I haven't read the whole script though I do have it... not sure if I will... I read it and it's amazing... I am so thrilled with how many predictions I made during set reports that are turning out to be true - *Squeeeeee*

It is a July edition, filming began in August so it may not be the final script but based on what I read and what I have seen during filming in Vancouver, it seems to be pretty accurate.

I feel that reading a script *IS* a spoiler... but so is going to sets and reading about filming... The script is still just words on a page... the actors, FX, music, visuals etc. are what makes a movie so I don't feel the movie is lessened any in June.. I am more excited after seeing the live filming and now reading the script.....

I promise I won't spoil anything. Though if you looked at set reports/photos I posted during filming.... a lot was quite accurate... and those are spoilers also ;)

What would you do?

I decided I won't post anything here and spoil others, but I did spoil myself and read it ;)

Here is the title page - no spoilers - just shows the "Jackson Rathbone" tag on every page.

I don't have link to script it was emailed to me.


  1. i don't believe for a second that Jackson leaked it. when Midnight Sun was leaked, the most repeated rumor i heard was that Rob leaked it. like you said, they aren't stupid

  2. Poor Jackson he so did not do this he's not stupid the fines in the contracts alone would stop him, not to mention morally I can't see him be able to do it. I nabbed a copy am likely going to skim for a couple key scenes and then what til my will breaks ;)

  3. Where can we find this script? I don't mind spoilers haha I'm impatient:)

  4. Where can i find this script? or Mandy's Mind please can send me by mail, I would like read it. my imail is: marisol27_15@hotmail.com. thanks.

  5. Awww poor Jackson! he's gonna have a lot of stuff coming his way. Summit to the rescue!!! haha.but we all no he didnt do it. BTW if u can't get the link could u email it to me? its: juicysweetheart7@aol.com
    but if u cant email its totally fine!

  6. Hi Mandy! I thought it was good.Not WOW good but good. Love the fight scenes, and very close to the books. (A alot of Jacob in there for the Wolf girls to.) Ok my question ca Jackson get in trouble, I know he would never leak it on purpose but his name is tagged. I assume someone stole it from him. Regardless Summit isn't happy im sure LOL

  7. I'd love to read it, those of us that know the book pretty well know what's going to happen : )

  8. please can you tell were you get it, it would be such a great thing to do ,share it with like thousens of fans .

  9. Please email me a copy??? mirandeseab@yahoo.com

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. can you email me a copy please...

  12. I totally love your blog. And would love a copy as well. If you are willing to email it to me that would be wonderful. roachcall@hotmail.com
    And thanks for all of the behind the scene info while filming.

  13. oh me too:

  14. hi! can you please email me a copy i would REALLY appreciate it you are SOOOOO lucky!!!
