Thursday, February 4, 2010

Alex Meraz disses Taylor Lautner on Twitter - Taytay needs real friends....

I saw it last night... @thealexmeraz tweeted about how lame Valetines Day would be, and then started to back pedal to retract what he had just said to his 63,000+ followers.

I have met Mr. Meraz and I wouldn't say he's a bad person, though I did sense a bit of an ego, he was pretty kind to fans when I met him and saw him.... still these comments make me wonder what the heck he was thinking and how powerful / dangerous is twitter when celebrities can say anything, anytime, without running it by publicists and managers first?!?

E Online Writes:

He's not a member of a wolf pack for nothing.

Alex Meraz's Twitter teeth are sharp and he's out for blood…namely, his costar Taylor Lautner's blood.

See, Alex (the packer on the far left of the photo) doesn't think too highly of our favorite 17-year-old's upcoming movie Valentine's Day, which also stars that other Taylor, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Biel,Jessica Alba, Ashton Kutcher, Patrick Dempsey, Julia Roberts, Bradley Cooper and a whole bunch of other Hollywood bigs.

"Sorry Taylor but the movie Valentine's Day looks lame and desperate," the New Moon star writes. "It cries out, 'look we have all the biggest starz in 1 movie pleez watch!' "

Sound like sour grapes? Read on!

Alex sorta realizes he might be stepping on some rather hefty toes with that statement, so he tweets again to clarify his thoughts. It doesn't really help.

"P.S. it has nothing to do with the talented actors in the movie. I just don't like the producer & Directors' 'get rich quick skeem' nuff said."


We totally started to think the poor guy's account had been hacked, but an hour later he tries again.

This time he's starting to get it.

"Talk about biting the hand that feeds me...but I'm a wolf for crying out loud! I'll be careful next time I spill twitter all over everyone."
Something tells us Taylor and his V'Day pals aren't crying over spilled Twitter, but Alex may have some groveling to do.

Mandy's Mind - Geez, with "friends" like that who needs enemies eh?

Speaking of friends, the always-honest Lainey Gossip had this to say about Taytay's lack of peer influences:

Taylor Lautner turns 18 next week. Last night he was sitting courtside at the Lakers game. Seems like a normal famous teen Wednesday night activity, right? Sure, totally normal. Except he was with adults. Surrounded by adults. A 17 year old who never seems to have any friends his own age. Aside from being photographed on dates with Taylor Swift, how often does he roll with a younger crowd? Where are his friends?

Note to Lautner Management: must audition friends. Because while they’ve overmanufactured him on so many other fronts, creating a teen Tom Cruise in his painfully uncool earnestness, and sold him to us as a leaping, flipping, karate kicking hunk, they’ve also forgotten to give him a proper entourage, one that doesn’t include his agent and his publicist and his personal trainer and, sometimes, even his DAD.

That’s the thing about child stars, non? They spend entirely too much time with grownups.

Teen Tom Cruise will be heading to Miami this weekend for the Super Bowl. He’s participating in the DirecTV Celebrity Beach Bowl.

More Photos of Taylor at the Game here

Mandy's Mind - Please let's not allow him to get creepy like Tom Cruise.... Already Taylor is too media trained and as hot and rawr as my lil wolf-pup is, I'd LOVE to see him let loose.... go out with the boys, be crazy....

could you imagine sweet lil' tay tay after a few beers? man, would I love to be a fly on that wall (or a bubble in that lager) ha ha....

I will be checking out Celebrity Beach Bowl this weekend.


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