Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Anna Kendrick in Breaking Dawn

Oscar-nominated actress, Anna Kendrick is unsure about her character, Jessica Stanley, will make an appearance in Breaking Dawn, according to MTV’s Hollywood Crush.

“I honestly feel like Jessica is one of those characters that if she wasn’t in the movie, nobody would miss her,” she said. “At the same time, I feel a certain affection for the films so if they ask me, I
would love to. I don’t have my fingers crossed either way.”

I would be devastated but not sure it would be all Summit's fault. Anna has gotten some big roles lately and might not have time to be such a small character in Breaking Dawn. No need to start petitions yet twifans, we don't even have an official confirmation on the movie time-line or official confirmation from Summit.

[Source via TwiFans]

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