Thursday, February 11, 2010

Breaking Dawn as 2 Movies - No so Breaking News

There really seems to be no NEW NEWS.... instead, some sites trying to benefot from Twi-Fan Traffic by posting old stuff, re-worded, to seem new.

For example, Gossip Cop says:

“Breaking Dawn” is going to be adapted into two movies.

The official word given to Gossip Cop from a rep for Summit is, “No decision has been made and as we have said all along we are continuing to work with Stephenie Meyer to bring Breaking Dawn to the big screen.”

HOWEVER, a well-placed source tells Gossip Cop dividing Breaking Dawn into two pictures “is the direction that it’s going in.” We’re told that from a practical standpoint, separating the story into two parts and shooting back-to-back is what makes most sense.

Earlier reports seem to be fairly accurate when it comes to timing, specifically, that filming may begin in October.

Gossip Cop will keep you posted when plans are officially finalized.
While Deadline states:

I have this from several sources, and it's definitive. Filming on the back-to-back movies would begin in mid-October, and Summit Entertainment is looking at "high-end" directors.

Mandy's Mind - None of this seems new to me.... it simply is still gossip / rumour that 2 movies will be made, which is kind of what we have all suspected based on "several sources" over the past several months.

Basically, these sites, and others, are saying what we already know, with titles that seem like it's new and official.

Will there be 2 movies? Proabably, but that's what we have all thought for weeks now, even months.

Has there been any new development in this story?


Re-read these pieces from these sites... Summit rep gives no official word. No given source. No official word. It's all the same gossip, being brought up again as more legit....


Check tweets from people like @larry411 who explain the situation well.

Anyways - for all of those asking - - - Yes I think it is 2 movies, no I don't think these new "Breaking Stories" are the result of any new news, simply something to get the twi-fans in a tizzy and draw attention and traffic back to their sites during a slow time because of Remember Me News, New Moon dvd News and Olympic News - - leaving them with the need to re-hash old stuff with a twist.


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