Saturday, February 13, 2010

Details Interview with Robert Pattinson - Safe

Many Details Magazine photos are NSFW - This post is safe.

Robert Pattinson interviewed and did a photoshoot for Details Magazine. But it's not for the youngins... like Details Interview with my boy Channing Tatum, it is more adult oriented, and I love it.

The real, the raw, is far more interesting than the same old sugar-coated, rehersed questions and responses. The interviewer has met Robert before in NYC and skips the courtesy "get to know you" questions and jumps right into the nitty gritty.

Accompanied with the sexiest photos I've seen Vanity Fair's Outtakes.

I am thrilled to be purchasing a copy ASAP!!

Read the entire interview here

My new fave photo:

Sexy Outtakes Video Here


  1. I love the interview, it's one of the best I've read. In the photoshoot Rob looks hot, but the random nude females struck me as weird. The camera sees them as objects, like mannequins, not women.

  2. does anyone find it odd some of the comments he made about the women being what he is "allergic" to?

  3. loved the interview also and again, these pictures are fabulous
