Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Kristen Stewart on Jury Duty?

It seems Kristen had to go to the LA Court to be part of a jury. Here is a photo with the security guard. he said Kris went with two bodyguards and that she was very kind with everybody there.



  1. She so very rarely looks happy in pictures. I'd love to see her laughing and smiling, enjoying life.

  2. In her defense...rarely does anyone look happy while serving Jury Duty in LA Court; usually boring and filled with semi-hostile people who are constantly trying to think of reasons to get out of jury duty ;)

  3. I give her a lot of credit for serving, rather than giving some excuse.

  4. Can you believe I was on jury duty at the same court but the following day. Missed Kristen by one day, darn, at least there would have been some fun to what can be a very long day.
