Sunday, February 21, 2010

Kristen Stewart wins Orange Rising Star Award at BAFTA

Kristen Stewart won and I had hoped Robert Pattinson was presenting her the award, but, he presented for Original Screenplay (Hurt Locker won).

Anyways, super impressed and proud of Kstew, loved her acceptance speech which went a lil something like this:
"Wow. Thank you. I guess first I have to thank all the fans of Twilight for proving again and again to be THE most devoted and attentive fans ever. Considering this is voted, credit is due to them so thank you. To the other actors nominated, I am so blown away by you that I can't even describe it. To be voted among you is just overwhelming. And I'd like to say hi to my family."



*****Updated - Video [coming soon] and Screencaps of her accepting her award******

Awesome Photo:

AP Press

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