Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kristen talks about Bella loving Jacob and Eclipse

In a recent interview, Kristen Stewart gave her perspective on filming The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and what she found interesting about Bella’s journey this time around:

"Just like New Moon sort of starts [one way], and then becomes a completely different movie, so does Eclipse. You think you’re going to get the same story, and it sort of all of a sudden completely changes.

What was interesting for me to explore was different levels of love, and acknowledging that the ideals you maybe had a little while ago aren’t true. Bella’s innately honest, and in Eclipse, she lies to herself and she lies to everybody around her about the fact that she’s in love with Jacob — just not as much [as with Edward]. It’s just not that extra thing that you can’t even really describe.

I loved watching the three of them — playing [scenes] with the three characters together. There’s literally a scene where Jacob and Edward, who are mortal enemies, are in a tent with a sleeping Bella in between them, and it’s a ridiculous circumstance to find yourself in. The story — we had so much."


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