Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Robert Pattinson is frustrated about Breaking Dawn too

Celebrity Gossip reports:

Though the “Twilight Saga” films have made him a very rich and famous man, Robert Pattinson says the prospect of “Breaking Dawn” is stressing him out.

The “Remember Me” stud told press that he’s still not sure what the schedule is for the movie shoot, and whether they’re breaking it into two separate flicks.

“It will be strange but it will be great just to be able to know what I’m doing. Not knowing when Breaking Dawn is going to shoot- because it changes all the time- is a kind of burden, to have this think where you don’t know when it’s going to happen.”

Pattinson continued, “So you’ve got to organize everything in your life around that and that can be difficult.”


1 comment:

  1. Summit is seriously killing me. just tell us already! PLEASE!!!!
