Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sam Bradley Promotes "The Manila Diaries"

Sam Bradley's MySPace Page had this posted:

Hello again!

“The Manila Diaries” was filmed in the Philippines shortly after Typhoon Ondoy ravaged the country. We were witness to the devastating aftermath as well as met many who were personally affected by this tragedy. At times, we felt hopeless but promised we would do anything we could to help. The short-documentary will be on sale at as a download. It will cost $10 and half of the proceeds will be going to UNICEF- Typhoon Onody initiative.

Stay tuned for date of release.

I'm also going to share a poster for the documentary to try and raise awareness. Please put it up on your blogs, Myspace, Facebook or whatever thing you use to help me spread the word. It would be amazing to raise a lot of money for this cause.

I am also sharing a song on youtube called Manila that I had written while i was on my trip there. Pass that around too if you would like.

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