Monday, February 1, 2010

Taylor Lautner leaving the Grammy's

She looks drunk... and about to eat him....NGL... I would too... sober....

Everytime I start to think he's hot I have to remember the time I met him and in person, he is very obviously young, trained and... who am i kidding.... still hot.....

According to

Taylor Lautner seems to have wasted no time in rebounding from his short relationship with Taylor Swift. Last night, while his ex was winning the Grammy for Album of the Year, Lautner was caught smooching a blonde who bears somewhat of a resemblance to Taylor Swift!

Taylor was kissing the cute, curly-haired blonde outside of a Grammy party in Beverly Hills last night. Swift may have won the statue but looks like Lautner got the consolation prize!

Um - does the guy call him Tyler ? LMAO!

Taylor Lautner said Taylor Swift's Grammy wins last night were "amazing" -- but not nearly as amazing to 12-year-old girls as the other news he dropped on us: He's single.

When asked if he had someone special for Valentine's Day this year, the 17-year-old said "I wish."

Team Jacob fans ... this is your chance.

[Via TwiFans]

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