Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Day Review - No Spoilers

I went to see Valentine's Day Tonight and here is my SPOILER FREE Review.

With so many top names such as Ashton Kutcher, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx, Taylor Lautner, Taylor Swift, Bradley Cooper, Patrick Dempsey, Topher Grace, Kathy Bates, George Lopez, Eric Dane, Queen Latifa, Shirley MacLaine and Hector Elizondo, there is no doubt the movie has talented actors, so let's look at the story itself.

The movie is about several characters lives one Valentine's Day. It can [and will] be comapred to Love Actually in that it has multiple stories that bubble over into each other.

There is a bit of everything within the characters, from a florist who is newly engaged, to a pessimistic single football player's publicist, to a teen couple preparing for their "first time," to a teacher in a new relationship, to a seemingly happily married couple of grandparents.... the movie follows various stories that often criss-cross and overlap, though not obviously or annoyingly so.

At first, I thought the movie started off a little slow and was honestly expecting to be disappointed. Luckily that changed.

The stories and the characters were not difficult to connect to and with so many different relationships, there was something for everyone to relate too. One of the cutest stories was puppy love from a 5th grader played by Bryce Robinson, who is a fantastic young actor. His entire story melted my heart.

There were corny moments or over done parts, but as a whole it worked well.

With so many big names, there was a lot to live up to and I thought the movie did a good job of giving each actor a good story for their character and where the characters lives crossed and intertwined was amusing and sometimes shocking but not overly forced.

There were definately some laughs, some tears and some gasps of surprise and excitement.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie and think it will be a great V-Day hit.

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