Friday, February 5, 2010

Watch Lainey Gossip as Olympic Torch Runner Tonight

Our very own local gossiper Lainey will be an Olympoic Torch bearer tonight at aprox 6:40pm in Whistler.

She blogged:

It’s Day 99 of the 2010 Torch Relay and I will be running the Olympic Torch tonight at 6:40pm in Whistler Village, the Host Mountain Resort of the 2010 Winter Olympics. Someone said to me the other day – there’s only ONE flame. I will be carrying That Flame. And it’s the flame that will eventually light the Olympic Cauldron in one week, February 12th, to commemorate the beginning of the Games. Canada’s Games.

Still don’t really believe it. They told me last Fall and I haven’t wanted to share it because I’m so superstitious, I thought I might jinx it. Then the package arrived from Coca-Cola in December with the Torch Relay uniform – pants and jacket and toque and the red mittens – and a comprehensive guide and little flags for my cheering section, a plastic sign for them to hold up, a night light in the shape of a Coke bottle, a marker, and a confirmation letter about my location...this is when it became real. As for the torch, it isn’t presented to you until just before you run. Afterward you can take it home.


Today I’ll be meeting with other runners, we’ll attend a briefing, then we’ll climb onto a bus, and rally each other as we get dropped off one by one at our stop points. The torch route is marked according to each runner’s segment. Every runner is assigned a number. So our loved ones will look for those numbers and wait for us to pass by.

You should go read her whole post Here.

You can follow the torch via live streaming video Here

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