Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why did Taylor Swift sound so horrible at the Grammys?

Celebitchy reports:Swifty’s record label has stepped up to defend her. Big Machine Records CEO Scott Borchetta tells that press that Swifty’s bad performance was all about “a volume problem in the ear. So, she was concerned that she wasn’t able to hear everything in the mix. That’s just part of live TV. … So you’re going to have difficulties on occasion. Unfortunately, on one of the biggest stages, we did have a technical issue. She couldn’t hear herself like she had in rehearsal.” Hmm… do you buy it?

I have heard this before from American Idol people (and judges) as well as other musicians, but she is experienced enough that she should have known to either pull out the ear piece, get close and harmonize with Stevie or... I dunno... just sing in the right key?

I dunno, I can't sing.period.

She started off ok - - then at about 1 minute mark she - - didn't sound so good.... then the 2 minute mark... with Stevie... eek!

My guess would be, it's true she couldn't hear herself, but she knows her own stuff well enough to "wing it" without hearing herself... but, other stuff.... - - - clearly.

I still love Swifty.... she had an off-night, it just happened to be on a major stage... we will get past it....



  1. I am a little concerned about the performance, especially when combined with her probable weight loss - she's always thin, but she looked so bony. Maybe she's been ill? Maybe pushing herself too hard?

  2. I feel bad for her... I can imagine she was probably nervous singing with Stevie who has an odd voice to harmonize with to begin with and if you can't hear yourself on top of that... it probably sucked for her. But i'm glad I'm not the only one that thought it didn't sound good!! Poor Girl!
