Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bachelor Finale and Bachelorette Drama

Jake Pavelka had to choose between Vienna and Tenley in tonight's Bachelor Finale.

Tenley was the good girl that was perfect... too perfect it seems (de ja vu of Gillian telling Jake he was too perfect before dropping him) but unlike many predictions that Jake would ditch both girls and propose to the Ali, the young woman who pulled an "Ed" leaving the show for her job, then trying to return, knowing she made the "biggest mistake of her life" Ali didn't return.

Jake was not as forgiving as Gillian had been to Ed (who she ended up choosing and is set to marry) and Ali was not invited back and Jake instead proposed to Vienna.

While websites predicted everything from Ali's return to be chosen as the final girl, or Jake's announcement he was actually gay... yes, several people predicted that.... *sigh* it ended with Jake on one knee and Vienna in happy tears saying "yes"

Although she was the controversial choice, I think he did well. They had very obvious chemistry and connection and although she is a tad white-trash, drama (not nearly as much drama as Ali, but we will get to that soon) Tenley was too robotic, albeit sweet, VERY boring!

The other big news, was the announcement of the next Bachelorette, which starts in May, and they have chosen .......... Ali......... *gags*

I won't lie, I am excited, because she is such a bag of drama and I believe she is a whole ball of fake... I loved her in the start of Jake's Bachelor season, and when her and Vienna first had it out, I hated Vienna and still liked Ali but after it kept coming up, I just found Ali to be a total drama - bitch who couldn't grow up and let it go..... and I really began to like Vienna.... or at least feel sorry for her....

Anyways, it could be editing/portrayal but I will love to hate Ali for now....

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