Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kristen Stewart says Goodbye to NYC - in Rob's shirt?

Apparently thisis Rob's shirt?

So they partied hard last night at the Remember Me Premiere After Party and this morning she fumbled into his shirt and headed home...

They MUST know by now people examine every seam of their clothing... is this a "coming out" tease or a "keep you guessing" game?

I don't know

I don't care

I'll await the sex tape ha ha

[Via TwiFans]


  1. won't believe it until a sex tape either lol

  2. LOL if we go by who he shares clothes with, then Rob's currently dating quite a few men as well, including Marcus and Tom! Oh damn, I wore my friend's husband's sweatshirt the other day - should I disclose our affair? The press is getting just a tad bit ridiculous with all this.
