Monday, March 15, 2010

Lainey plays nice with Bublé during Olympics

I know a lot of TwiFans have a hate-on for Lainey, but she's pretty fucking awesome.

She always has the deets on what's what and who's who.... she's real, brutally honest and that is why I adore reading her blog!

During the Olympics she was a busy bee and I have been waiting for this blog on her dinner with Michael Bublé for a while.

She had a hate-on for Bublé and his douchery for a long time and after a series of events she discusses in this post they met and played nice.

Having met Bublé (obviously much more briefly than she ha ha) I agree he is very happy to be famous and even cocky about it... but he has no problem stopping for photos and autogrpahs and acting like a goofball with fans, which I appreciate as a celebrity lover.

Anyways, I suggest you all go read Lainey's post about her love-hate with Bublé it's awesome!

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