Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Personalizing MTV Movie Awards

The MTV Movie Awards are coming and I did a post on the nominee's and who I would be voting for, but I didn't realize that with the drop down menu we can add our own so after reading the Twilight Lexicon post, here are some categories I have added/voted for and hope you will do the same:

Best Fight - Daniel Cudmore vs Robert Pattinson in Twilight Saga: New Moon

Break OUt Male: Taylor Lautner Twilight Saga: New Moon

Villian - Michael Sheen and/or Dakota Fanning for Twilight Saga: New Moon

Best Ass-Kicking Star - Daniel Cudmore Twilight Saga: New Moon (This one I really hope gets into the top nominations!!!!)

WTF Moment - Twilight Saga New Moon: Alice's Vision ha ha

So go vote and add nominee's as you see fit :)

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