Friday, March 26, 2010

Reality TV Updates - March 21-26, 2010

Here are my thoughts on this week's reality television shows that I follow...

Amazing Race

I still haven't watched the episode. I was spoiled on twitter that Jeff & Jordan go home and honestly, I have no intereste to watch it anytime soon.... in fact, I almost don't want to watch at all. I grew very little attachment to anyone but them. In fact, I hadn't watched the past couple seasons as I felt burned out from the whole show, the big brother pair were the only reason I decided to tune in again and give it a try. I am sure I will get to it, we shall see, my Sunday line-up is pretty full, I may cut it out all together til the finale.

Dancing with the Stars

I have never watched a whole season of this. This will be my first. My first impression... they use the term "stars" very loosely....

Though I caught a few episodes here and there of paste seasons, for some reason I never stayed hooked. Like Amazing Race took Big Brother fan faves and put them on the show, DWTS took Jake, the most recent Bachelor and made him a dancing contestent... way to cross-over reality tv with reality tv eh?

I love Jake's dancer Chelsie from SYTYCD and I am also interested to see how Octo-mom Kate Gosselin does, she irritates me beyond belief. No elimination til next week, but I predict Chad Ochocinco and/or Buzz Aldrin would be first to go due to poor dancing.. then again, the show is based on votes right? So really, it doesn't matter how you dance if you have fans ha ha

I really like Evan Lysacek and predict he will do well because he has athleticism and also because he is a USA fave after bringing home a gold medal at the recent Vancouver Winter Olympics. Niecy Nash is annoying but I LOVE her outlook for big women and hope she sticks around long enough to keep spreading that message!

Time will tell, one dance can't convince me either way on any dancer.

Stay TuneD!

American Idol

Finally, Paige went home! If she hadn't I would have stopped watching otherwise.... she should have gone home 2 weeks ago in my opinion!

There are a few more who need to be weeded out so we can get to the winners. My opinions have changed from auditions, to first few weeks to now.

A few greats have gone and a few remain.... Lee and Didi hadn't stood out early on but do now to me. Andrew Garcia was a fave in auditions and is less so now.

I still love Casey... and Siobhan is surprising me.

It's still hard to call... after seeing who America sent home too soon it's impossible to call a winner, but I love Casey and Siobhan at this stage.... Katie to go next.... then maybe Tim... or vice versa.

America's Next Top Model

This show is so annoying. Ren was the only half-decent, non-drama girl and she is gone... sucks she succumbed to the house drama.... those girls are ANNOYING! Next week look interesting.... I feel like I did the first weeks of American Idol, let's fast forward a few weeks and weed out the crap.

Alasia has GOT to go OMG and Angelea and Brenda - - - kick them out.... from who is left I do like Simone though I find her awkwardly pagenty and Raina I keep changing my mind on.... it's too early still, and the editing on this show makes me mad.... for example, I loved Naduah - then, in one episode they made her go from nice, disadcantaged, trauma girl to total pathological liar.... *sigh* impossible to judge these "characters" when editing only shows us pieces and all at once....


Russell vs Boston Rob... wow! That was intense, I loved how Rob had a plan (get Russell to flush out idol), then Russell guessed how it could go and counter-acted (get Tyson out), then Rob thought of what he would do if he were Russell and counter-acted (try to get Rob's allie out since Rob had idol), then Russell counter-acted even THAT (convincing Tyson to vote differently so it wasn't a three-vote tie)!

Russell is the MAN! He GAVE away his idol (which will impress "moral-ridden" Coach as well as Pavarti who was saved by the idol) and because of Tyson's vote for Pavarti instead of Russell, Russell was saved and Tyson left... GENIUS!

Russell really is the best ever! He should have won last season and he should win this season, though I don't think he will as everyone will be out to get him!

This season is tough... all my faves from past seasons (Colby, Rupert, Russell, Boston Rob, JT etc) are back and I am seeing different sides of them (Angry Rupert, Lazy Colby, Snakey JT, etc) it's strange.

I am deffo rooting for Russell #1... though I still adore JT, he did win already so - whateva.... and Rob... well... meh.. Amber got it before, he also got Amber, 'nuff of a win right?

Time will tell.

That's it That's all - for this week

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