Friday, March 12, 2010

Reality TV Updates

I got caught up on all my reality TV this week - here is my break-down:

Survivor - Still love Russell, keep fearing he will get booted but I feel he truly is the best player and deserved to win last season and I am rooting for him this season. Brutal injury with James and SHOCKED they didn't vote him out... I loved JT in his season but he is too wishy washy this season, he is a "heroe" but threatened to be a bit "snakey" then stopped.... I dunno.

I thought JT would keep Tom since they both won and really are the only two who could go against each other and not lose.... against a player who has never won they won't win ANOTHER million....

American Idol - My faves are still there. I was shocked at who went home, but I always say "only one winner" and then feel less bad... though some could have stayed longer... I love Kaity but thought she would go over Lilly for sure.

Casey, Lee, Big Poppa Mike and Andrew Garcia are my fave men.... For women, Crystal, though I am not sure why she was hospitalized, but she still doesn't seem well... sitting during critique, barely a smile when she made it through and a struggle to walk and sit on the stool.... anyone know? I am a huge fan of DiDi though I wasn't from the start.. her and Lee poppe dup out of no where for me. I also really like everything about Lacey. I defo favour the men over the women this year though.

America's Next Top Model - 90 minute opener, make-overs right away, it was a fun episode. There are so many girls I hate already and many I was glad didn't make it on the show. I really like Naduah... her story about the cult and whatnot is intriguing and she has a very interesting look I like. Angelea is still a bitch, and if they had picked "one mixed girl" Gabrielle would have been it clearly, she has a more exotic look and is more versatile, she is so pretty and unique, but she talks as ghetto as Gabrielle sadly. I swear they highlight all the bitchy black girls, you'd think Tyra would cut that shit out in editing non? It really gives young black women a bad rep. Brenda's cry fest over losing her hair was lame, though she was hotter with long locks, she is deffo more fashionable - and we have all learend from watching 14 cycles that pretty does NOT equal model. I like Ren's down-to-earth, no - drama attitude and was it Aliasia that was all mental ase falling on the floor?

Amazing Race - My fave team came in last but were not eliminated *phew* Let's hope they can pull it together Big Brother Style ;) Jeff & Jordan need to win :)

That's it for now - any thoughts?


  1. JT is driving me nuts on Survivor. i too was shocked James wasn't voted out. glad they kept him; he's one of my favs

  2. I am pretty mad that Lilly and Alex arent in the top 12. I thought Lilly was in the top three women, and Alex was at least top 4. Don't know if I want to watch now.
