Monday, March 1, 2010

Rob and Kristen act like secret lovers because...

Gossip Cop reports:

HollywoodLife, which bashed Stewart twice when she attended a Haiti relief fundraiser and helped spread last week’s (wrong) story that Pattinson had confirmed a relationship with his co-star, now complains that the two are acting “coy” by not walking next to each other in public.

“Why do these two try so hard (yet so unsuccessfully) NOT to be seen together!” whines the site, upset that their arrivals at JFK airport and a BAFTA party weren’t perfectly choreographed for photographers.

Of course, the site then twists this new annoyance with Pattinson and Stewart into conclusive evidence of couplehood. ”Further proof that R-Patz & K-Stew are more than friends? They tried to hide their love again!” HollywoodLife declares.

So just to recap: HollywoodLife still claims Pattinson openly “confirmed” a relationship last week, and yet complains that he and Stewart aren’t arm in arm in public.

Huh? How can the site say in the same piece that Pattinson is telling the press he and Stewart are a “couple” and also label them, in the headline, “secret lovers”?

Gossip Cop will say again what other outlets should say:

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are not obligated to share their personal lives. They are not obligated to do things according to the media’s timetable. And they are not obligated to walk the way outlets want them to walk.

Mandy's Mind - This will truly never end until they either come out as a couple or have a horrible public break up .... the fandom is too strong ... Poor Robsten ... as a couple or not ... the tabloids grasp at straws to make news out of non-news, even contradicting themselves repeatedly.

I just hope (wish) twifans (rob and kristen fans, robsten, nonsten or could-care-less-sten) can see through all the gossip and respect that movie stars don't need to reveal every aspect of their lives.



  1. I'm glad both you and Gossip Cop are thinking clearly :)

  2. I still think they are (or she is?) a bit crazy for making such an effort not to be photographed together.
