Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Runaways - Mini Review (No real spoilers)

I saw The Runaways on Friday night and plan to see it again with my husband.

I really enjoyed the movie, it had the indie feel of a good rock story.

Kristen Stewart was pretty amazing, and coming frmo me - that is huge!

She has a few "Bella" moments, but indeed most of the movie I forgot she was Kristen Stewart, which was Kristen Stewart - that is huge!

Dakota Fanning easily stole the show and was impressive as Cherie Curry. She showed the massive transformation Cherie under wet as a 15 year old rockstar.

There are some "highly talked about scenes" including the "kiss" which was far more than a moment of tongue action, but sexual tension built up and experienced throughout the film.

I had to remind myself how young these girls were when this happened to them in real life and really how crazy a life they led.

The pace was good for a biography and the music was shockingly great. Dakota & Kristen both sang with voices adapted to match Joan Jett and Cherie Curry.

If you haven't seen it yet, please do... I know limited release prevents many of you going, I wish they had just done a wide-release to start, but in a couple weeks here they will and you should def. go check it out.

There are clips on youtube, they are quickly disappearing, but if you want to see clips now go ahead and search, and once it comes to your town, check it out!

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