Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tinsel Korey's Birthday Party with Fans

TwiFans reported:
Earlier today Tinsel Korey, who plays Emily Young in The Twilight Saga, tweeted that she would be at a Chuck E Cheese right near my house having a pre-birthday party & invited fans to join her!

My friend @moviegurl202 & I (@kimc333) were so excited we ran down there to wish Tinsel a happy birthday. Sure enough there she was celebrating with a few family & friends, there were some other fans there as well. Tinsel is so sweet, gracious & even more beautiful in person. She took time for pictures & autographs & even shared her birthday cake with us! How cool is that?! Thank you Tinsel, for letting your fans join in on the fun! You ROCK!

Tinsel's actual birthday is tomorrow, March 25th, so be sure to wish her a Happy Birthday on her Twitter

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