Wednesday, March 10, 2010

True Blood Eric has a Daddy.... Ulfrick Northman to be played by Hans Tester

True Blood Net reports:

True Blood has cast Ulfrick Northman has been cast for the flashback occurring in episode 305, “Trouble“. Actor Hans Tester, most recently seen opposite Matt Damon in The Informant!, has been cast as the senior Northman. I can see the resemblance to Alexander Skarsgard’s Eric, can’t you?

We’ll meet Eric’s father in a flashback to approximately 900 AD, before Eric is turned. The casting call describes him as Ulfrick is described as in his 40s to 50s, warm but battle scarred. He’s a Swedish Viking king who wants Eric to learn responsibility and to behave as a prince should, causing some tension in their otherwise solid father-son relationship.

Also guest starring in this episode are Melissa Rauch as Summer, a young woman who is attracted to Hoyt, and Grainger Hines as Colonel John Flood, a packmaster who Sookie & Alcide encounter.

Mandy's Mind - I agree, there is a slight resemblance, enough to make him seem legit as Eric's father... especially with period pieces for costumes.... I can't wait. They really are moving the series along faster than the books... while season 2 focussed (far too much) on plots that weren't important or long in the series.... ah well...

All Casting Updates for Season 3 here

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