Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Being Sick is Exhausting

Wow, Let me just say, being sick is exhausting!

I haven't had much of a break from work and when I am not busy with that I have been trying to sleep or relax with my PVR.

I have a cold of some sort and my doctor has rescheduled my appointment twice (because he had to deliver babies) so I am feeling pretty sick and blah!

That being said, I am still posting a few items a day and appreciate your patience :)

Doctor Appointment tomorrow should get me some more meds to conquer this bug and get me back to normal :)

Thanks again for reading, I really appreciate that there are people who check my blog and comment and care about what I have to say!! Very flattering :)



PS - Scroll down for today's posts :)


  1. Get better, I insist... {I am kinda pushy like that ;o}

    Sending you healhty, healing vibes!!

  2. I hope your doctor's visit has helped and you're feeling better by now!
