Friday, April 2, 2010

Eclipse Movie Companion

I can't wait for this... the New Moon one was like reading my own journal. Having been to many stes and seen what was happening it was so nice to read it from the producers and directors point of view and see angles, views and photos from the OTHER side. Eclipse will be even more exciting as filming was more secretive and deceptive than New Moon, so the pieces we put together as fans were very much "best guesses" based on what we could see, hear, learn, recall from book.... Suffice it to say this Eclipse Movie companion will offer me a lot of surprises and a lot of reassurance that I was right in my guesses ha ha.

Eclipse Movie . Org says:

According to Reel Empire and Amazon, The Twilight Saga Eclipse Official Illustrated Movie Companion will be released June 29th, 2010, one day before the film’s release date in theaters June 30th, 2010.

Amazon has confirmed the release date for the “Twilight Saga Eclipse: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion” which will hit retail shelves June 29th, 2010. They also revealed the release date for the mass market paperback edition for “Eclipse” which is May 25th. At the moment, no cover images have been released for either product.

One day before the movie release date of Eclipse? I guess this is to keep it spoiler free. What about the people who want the spoilers?! I want the spoilers! LOL!

I really can’t wait to see the Eclipse movie companion! Seriously! Move up the release date!

You can pre-order The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion at Amazon!

I agree, ONE DAY before... I will buy it that morning, read through it quickly, go set-up for the Eclipse Movie Release Party (Since our New Moon one was so fun) then go to the midnight release (or 10pm if they do what New Moon did) *Squeeeee*

I also would LOVE to go to the premiere but we shall see ;)

What do you think? June 29th too late to offer the movie companion? I remember thinking New Moon's came out SOOOOOO early, but it was nice to tide me over... and we will have Bree Tanner novella to help occupy our waiting time....

OMG - After Eclipse we have TOO MUCH TIME to wait, I mean Breaking Dawn hasn't even officially announced a director *GAH*

1 comment:

  1. I would have liked it a little earlier. Maybe a week or two. I think it would have helped build hype...not that the movie doesn't have enough hype. lol
