Monday, April 5, 2010

Evolution of Bel Ami

There have been many adaptations of Bel Ami. Here is a look at them and their own Georges DuRoy.


Unfortunately, I haven't found anything on this version.

1939 (Germany)

Release date: February 21st, 1939
Character was camped by Willi Frost

1947 (USA)

Release date: April 25th, 1947
Georges was played by George Sanders

1947 (Mexico)

Release date: February 27th, 1947
Character was played by Armando Calvo

1955 (Germany)

Release date: April 9th, 1955
Georges DuRoy was played by Johannes Heesters

1968 (West Germany)

Release date: March 19th, 1968
Made for TV movie
Georges was camped by Helmut Griem

2005 (Belgium)

Release date: January 23rd, 2005
Made for TV movie
Georges DuRoy was played by Sagamore Stévenin

2011 (USA)

Release date: unknown
Robert Pattinson is Georges DuRoy in this anticipated movie.


***Edit - Yes, RPattz isn't sporting the 'stache, but let's face it, it really isn't his thang...

1 comment:

  1. And they all had 'staches EXCEPT Rob! WTF?! I was so looking forward to a skeezy mustache-twirling Rob.
