Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rob & Kristen in London together

Now, I have jumped on the "Robsten" band wagon officially, but the engagement rumours see to hopeful to me. SO many assumed they were dating and now when they are out and about together openly, peope assume they are engaged... wtf...

Either way here theya re in London together, maybe going to spend time with Rob's family ?!?! heh heh.

Robsten has made it to London. This part of the story is absolutely true, as for the rest it's from Star Magazine. WARNING not a reliable source of information. This commentary most likely has been exaggerated for sensationalism. WARNING!

"the Twilight sweethearts rendezvoused for her 20th birthday on April 9 in Budapest, where he's filming the period drama Bel Ami, then traveled together to London, arriving holding hands — until they
saw waiting photographers! Then "they parted like the Red Sea," says an

After visiting Rob's parents in West London, it was on to a private hotel, where they holed up inside their room – and Rob could be heard playing his guitar and serenading Kristen.

“Their love is impossible to hide,” says an insider."



  1. Oh brother.... "serenading Kristen" seriously... like anyone can get close enough to them to be listening outside their hotel room give me a break! LOL I do love me some Robsten though! Good for them!

  2. Nice that Kristen and Rob are comfortable traveling together now. I don't think we will get the whole story about Robsten (or any other castmember) until Breaking Dawn is completed!
