Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Twilight Tattoos..... How much is too much?

I*'ve posted Twilight Tattoos before..... some are super coool.... and I won't judge but I will say for me, this is too much.

I have said I'd never get a Twilight tattoo, though I love tattoos and I think I actually COULD at some point have something Twilighty within a tattoo (ie - an apple within another tattoo I get - something small, not obviously twilight, meaningful to me)

Anyways, this tattoo for me is too much not only if it's twilight but anything - I just wouldn't get that big of a tattoo PERSONALLY.....

Can't think of a grand enough gesture to show your devotion to your favourite star? That’s not a problem for Cathy Ward.

She is a huge fan of the Twilight movies – though you might have guessed that already. Mrs Ward decided to have a tattoo of the main stars of the hit Hollywood film on her back. And the 48-year-old is not done yet. She also wants the film’s lead star – the gorgeous Robert Pattinson who plays vampire Edward Cullen in the films – tattoed across her stomach.

“It didn’t hurt that much – the main problem was sitting down for so long,” she said.

Supermarket worker Mrs Ward wanted to give something back to the cast, who she said helped her lose weight.

She went from a size 20 to 14 in a year and said her once-depleted self-esteem has now soared. Mrs Ward, who makes cakes in the bakery at Morrisons in Whitley, said: “Like Bella [Kristen Stewart in ] is at the beginning, I had no confidence. She is very clumsy and doesn’t think much of herself. Neither did I. But she progresses over the course of the first and second film and books and I have, too.”

Although husband Colin is not a fan of her tattoo, Mrs Ward has no regrets about her body art. She had the tattoo done in No Limits in Oxford Road, West Reading, at the end of March. It was completed in one sitting, lasting four-and-a-half hours, and cost £500.

She continued: “I won’t mind when I am 80. I like getting tattoos. This is me.”

Mrs Ward became a fan of the Twilight series in December 2008. The first part tells the story of a small-town girl falling in love with a vampire. In the second installment, Bella finds herself caught in a love triangle with Edward and her best friend Jacob – a werewolf, played by Taylor Lautner. But Mrs Ward of Waldeck Street, Katesgrove, is a sworn Team Edward fan.

She said: “The book and films are so well done.

“Robert Pattinson is fantastic. He makes such a convincing Edward and is perfectly cast. He is great in other films too – so intense.”

Mrs Ward’s Morrisons’ workmate Sharon Wicks, 38, of Brayford Road, Whitley, said she loved the tattoo.

She said: “She’s a massive Twilight fan and is firmly Team Edward. It looks great.”

Here's another fan inspired tattoo:

Reader of USA Today, Caroline, sent in her photo of her Twilight inspired tattoo for USA Today's "pop-culture tattoo Tuesday".
Caroline says: “It’s my favorite quote (from Edward in Eclipse), in Edward’s handwriting. Next to it is the cover picture from the first book in the series.”

And in case you're taking note, you can find the quote on pg. 95 in Eclipse



  1. It's great that the woman lost weight, but she should consider the tatoos' placement. For instance, Edward might not look his best on her stomach. So many other thoughts come to mind, but I'll shut my mouth...
